Yes! When making a booking for traffic management services with us, we will provide a written confirmation to acknowledge and confirm your booking details with us.
Welcome to Traffic Force's dedicated Customer Support page
How can we help you today?
Have you got questions? We have answers!
We understand project needs can change and amendments maybe required. Depending upon the type of amendments, you can either complete a new booking form or send us an email with details of changes.
We have a 24 hour booking cancelation policy, whereby any changes to bookings must be made prior otherwise will incur a cancellation fee.
Refer to the authorised Traffic Management Plan and applicable Traffic Guidance Scheme(s) you wish to implement. On the TGS there will show the required number of Traffic Controllers. Alternatively let us know what you are undertaking and we will confirm which TGS within your TMP will be required for you.
Refer to the authorised Traffic Management Plan and applicable Traffic Guidance Scheme(s) you wish to implement. On the TGS there will show the required signs and equipment in the device list.